The correction note 1944811 was delivered on a recent support package and some side-effects were observed during the order conversion in mass processing transactions, such as COHV.
The issue happens when, on the customizing transaction OPJK, you have selected the option '1 - User decides on creation if material is missing', as shown on the screenshot below.
When you try to convert a planned order using transaction COHV, the availability check is carried out and, if there is a component missing, the following popup screen is displayed:
User selects the option 'NO', even though, the planned order is converted to production or process order.
An additional symptom is that the capacity check is not carried out.
In this case, the following note should be implemented, to correct a program error that causes this issue:
2017459 - Error in mass conversion of planned orders
After the implementation of this note, the order conversion will be cancelled when the option 'NO' is selected on the popup.
Caetano Schlabitz de Almeida
SAP Active Global Support.