Besides the standard transactions displayed on the easy-access menu, there are some useful reports that will help you on your daily activities or troubleshooting.
This blog post provides a list of the most useful reports and describes under which circumstances it can be used:
Performace analysis:
RMMDMONI - Technical Statistics of the Planning Run: With this report it's possible to analyze the last MRP executions, see the total runtime, how much time system is taking on each step and the parameters that were used to execute MRP.
RMMDPERF- Technical statistics for the planning run - material hit list: Provides a list of materials which are taking more time to be planned during the MRP run.
Z_MRP_PERFORMANCE: This report checks the main parameters and settings that can affect the MRP performance. See the blog MRP performance analyzer for more details.
Planning evaluation:
RMMD06NEW - MD06/MS06 - Example of User-Specific Entry: The report RMMD06NEW provides an EXAMPLE for a user-specific entrance to the collective display MD06/MS06 of mrp lists for one or more plants.
The new report includes a new selection function module with ranges.
RMMD07NEW - MD07/MS07 - Example of User-Specific Entry: The report RMMD07NEW provides an EXAMPLE for a user-specific entrance to the collective display MD07/MS07 of stock requirements lists for one or more plants.
The new report includes a new selection function module with ranges.
RMMDERRO - Display all termination messages from the MRP list: With this report we can identify materials for which a termination happened during the MRP run.
RMMDKP01 - Delete MRP Lists: This report is similar to transaction MD08 and it can be used to delete old MRP lists (e.g. for blocked materials), in order to keep the system clean and improve the MRP performance.
RMMDKP02 - Delete MRP Lists (long-term planning): Similar to report RMMDKP01 for LTP.
MRP Areas:
RMMDDIBE - Mass Processing of MRP Areas (Create/Change/Delete): This report can be for general MRP aras mass processinc (copy, create, change...).
RMMDDIBE02 - Mass Processing of MRP Areas (Background Processing): It's similar to RMMDDIBE but can be executed in background.
Long-Term Planning (LTP):
RMPLSC00 - Delete dependent data on scenario: Delete planning scenario dependent data (planning file entries, planned orders, MRP lists, manual firming data, data in purchasing info system, data in inventory controlling and average plant stocks).
RMPLAF00 - Delete simulative planned orders: Delete long-term planning simulative planned orders for a specific scenario.
RMMDFD00 - Delete firming data in LTP: Deletes the manual firming date (tables MDFD and MDFDDB) for LTP.
Planning file entries:
RMMDVM10 - Consistency Check of Planning File Entries: Runs a consistency check for the planning file entries. It can catch inconsistencies on the low-level code and delete unnecessary planning file entries. This report DO NOT check the flags NETCH and NETP for existing entries.
RMMDVM20 - Preliminary Set Up of Planning File Entries: This report is generally used before the first MRP execution for a plant to build the planning file entries. This report will create the planning file entries when they do not exist, however, if the planning file entry already exists, the report WILL NOT check the flags NETCH and NETPL.
RMMDVL00 - Long-Term Planning: Set up Planning File Entries for a Scenario.
RMMDVL10 - Long-Term Planning: Delete Planning File Entries for a Scenario.
RMMDVL20 - Long-term planning: Create planning file entries for scenario.
Database Inconsistencies:
In some cases, database inconsistencies can cause problems (generally on transaction MD04). A list of these inconsistencies and the reports that can be used to fix these inconsistencies can be found on the following WIKI: