SAP Labs Latin America is located in São Leopoldo, a city in the south of Brazil. In April 1st, this SAP Labs hosted the SAP Inside Track 2016, an event with more than 100 SAP customers, partners, employees and IT professionals. We had more than 15 presentations and the hot topic was S/4 HANA.
On this event, I had the chance to talk about the Simplified Scenarios for Materials Planning on S/4 HANA. I had already talked about this subject on my blog and now I'm writing this blog to share the slides of this presentation for those who could not join the event.
Slide 1: Cover.
Slide 2: Simplified sourcing for external procurement - Source determination on previous releases.
Slide 3: Simplified sourcing for external procurement - Source determination on S/4 HANA based on the Info Record.
Slide 4: Simplified sourcing for external procurement - Sequence for MRP source determination on S/4 HANA.
Slide 5: Simplified sourcing for internal procurement - BOM selection method used on previous releases.
Slide 6: Simplified sourcing for internal procurement - Production version is mandatory for BOM explosion on S/4 HANA.
Slide 7: Simplified sourcing for internal procurement.
Slide 8: Subcontracting - Separate stock segment for subcontracting on previous releases
Slide 9: Subcontracting - On S/4 HANA, subcontracting requirements are only possible on MRP area or at plant level.
Slide 10: Storage location planning - Separate stock segment on previous releases.
Slide 11: Storage location planning - Report MRP_AREA_STORAGE_LOC_MIGRATION
Slide 12: Planning file - New table PPH_DBVM and transaction PPH_DBVM.
Slide 13: E-book "Running MRP on SAP HANA".
Slide 14: Closing.